bbqchickenwings started playing word challenge upon my sister's invitation.
Word Challenge is a fun, competitive and intelligent game according to
my sis. One needs to possess excellent vocabulary in order to score high marks.. Actually its bullshit, its more a case of fastest fingers, the faster you type, the easier it will be to score high marks. I had a friendly competition with my sister to challenge who can get a higher score. But then she got busy, neglected the challenge and now I can only challenge with my other peers (you can see the high scores of your fellow friends who play the game). And being a perfectionist, bbqchickenwings needs to challenge the best, the arch-nemesis here being QX who has a score of 103 thousand + i thought.
After working hard over several days and weeks, bbqchickenwings thought he has done it! He has broken the 100 k barrier. Look at this!

With a score of 160 004, bbqchickenwings is supposed to have beaten QX who only has 103 896. What happened?
QX's score is wrong on the scoreboard. It is not 103896 but 1038961. His score had too many digits and couldnt fit into the all-time high score table. bbqchickenwings became devastated. After trying so hard, he does not even have 20% the score of QX. "Too bad, just go eat some chicken wings, dude" I can almost hear QX purring this to me over and over again. This is why bbqchickenwings can never be a pro gamer. Sucks big time.
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