Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Dawn

bbqchickenwings has decided to start writing again. Actually, bbqchickenwings used to write on another blog, but then stopped writing for some reason. bbqchickenwings wondered for a few months what the reason was, and decided that it was probably due to the following.

  • His boss, i.e. the man he get money to buy his chicken and grill from has found out and taken an interest to the blog. now bbqchickenwings cannot say bad things about the boss or the work he is doing. In short, bbqchickenwings does not feel like having complete freedom when writing.
  • He used to blog without an anonym. bbqchickenwings prefers to hide under a cloak and pokes his head out while lying on the bed to blog instead, and of course, with the fragrance of chicken wings slithering by. bbqchickenwings thinks that he can start blogging irresponsibily too.
So what made bbqchickenwings start writing again?

  • As bbqchickenwings gets older, he finds that he is losing bits and pieces of his thoughts and memory. This blog will hopefully serve to remind bbqchickenwings of all his ramblings and foolishness of the past, if he is not having a 三分钟热度 attitude to the blog.
  • bbqchickenwings once learnt from someone not so famous that there are three types of learn style: seeing learners, hearing learners and touch/experience learners. Learning by seeing only stimulates bbqchickenwings' short term memories. He cant remember anything beyond a month. He has been well trained to throw away all information after an exam. bbqchickenwings does not learn well by hearing, that is why he does not know what music is all about and always fall asleep during lectures. Thus the optimal method of learning is by doing it, using kinesthetics to help him learn how to grill the optimal chicken wings. Writing also helps, thats why bbqchickenwings wants to write. 
  • This is one of bbqchickenwings' new year resolution. He has started to appreciate the art of writing only recently. Last time especially during secondary sch and JC, bbqchickenwings is always a bordeline case for English and GP. Writing during Economics exams is especially a struggle. bbqchickenwings always seems to write slower than others and can never complete the 4 questions for the essay section. A big waste considering he knows how to answer some of the questions but just do not have the time to finish. Thus even though he is more interested in doing a business course, he chose an engineering one instead as he thinks he can score better. As he starts getting older, he finds writing more interesting than solving equations. By writing typing more and more (typing makes editing so much easier), bbqchickenwings thinks he can improve his writings, become a more learned man and become a celebrity
  • bbqchickenwings is lonely has too much energy. He is stopping his cardiovascular exercises until the weather permits him to go outdoors in singlets and shorts and get lyophilized in 5 seconds. By channeling some of his chi here, he hopes that he can sleep better and wake up the next day feeling smarter. 

What is bbqchickenwings going to write about?

bbqchickenwings was thinking how often he should write his blog. Then he realised that it is quite silly to set a schedule for it. This is a blog. This is bbqchickenwings' blog. He alone will decide with his council of advisers how frequently he updates his blog. He alone will decide what to write when the mood comes. This is why a blog can be so special and make bbqchickenwings start writing again. It has complete freedom. 

And thus, bbqchickenwings thinks that it is silly that a group of bloggers are forming an association to 'promote, protect as well as educates its members'. Blogging is unique. Anyone can blog about any topic that he or she wants, and anyone can choose to read or not read someone's blog. It should be free from authority (it is registered with MHA), guidelines and rules. Getting everyone to come together under one banner? To each his own. bbqchickenwings prefers remaining in his virtual world thinking about his yummy food. If bbqchickenwings wants to meet bloggers, it will probably be just a chicken wings makan session. No need any association one. But if someone is setting up a Chicken Wings association, hmmm hmmm, maybe bbqchickenwings will sign up as a member after all. But do note the difference, bbqchickenwings will be signing up as a chicken lover and not as a blogger. If only East Coast has some nice chicken wings. 

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