Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are you suffering from socio-political blogs' addiction?

This quiz helps determine whether you have been indulging too much time in social politics and not doing enough work. 

Section I: Short Answer Questions

See if you can identify who made these quotes.

  • please, get out of my elite uncaring face.
  • If there are no wars or oil crises, this golden period can stretch out over many years.
  • Change has to take place in Singapore but change must take place not (between parties) but within the PAP.
  • They (residents) should thank the Town Council for working hard to come up with a diversified portfolio to generate income so that residents do not have to fork out more money.
  • How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?
  • Maybe it made lesser mortals envious and they thought maybe he was a little bit boastful. (Bonus question: who is the 'he' in this quote)
  • So, in Hougang, you have to be creative to be an effective opposition. Amongst the things you can do, I suggest you study the annual accounts of the town council to ensure that the funds are properly used. Check whether the arrears for S & C charges are piling up, and eating into their reserves. Make sure that enough money is put aside for cyclical maintenance. In your walkabouts, check on the estate maintenance… In short, play the role of an effective opposition in Hougang.
Identify the following bloggers

  1. Usually starts his post with a picture of relevance or with a hidden meaning. Uses a cat as his avatar. Works in a investment bank.
  2. Another one with a cat as an avatar. Likes to put whole articles and then add comments regarding each sentence in red. Has a split personality called Lee See Nao.
  3. Short and sweet posts, updated every morning. Used to have nice Orchids as pictures but currently there is a Chingay special.
  4. Posts are full of vulgarities. Thought to have retired but recently made a comeback. Recently joined Twitter.
  5. Hosts a weekly podcast. He likes to ride a bicycle and used to be a columnist with a mainstream newspaper.
  6. Avatar is a funny mask. Uses satire to great effects in his posts. Being together with him might win you some 4D or Toto.
  7. Investigative blogger who is often quoted on mainstream newspapers. Posts are well researched and footnotes given at the bottom of the posts. 

Section II: Yes/No questions

  1. Besides knowing the bloggers in Section I, do you also know who frequently makes comments in their various blogs?
  2. Do you set The Online Citizen or Singapore Enquirer as homepage in your Internet browser?
  3. Do you stop work at 12 p.m not because you want to go for lunch but because its time to check Singapore Daily for their daily updates?
  4. And then do you read every single post that they aggregated?
  5. And you feel bored during the weekends because blog posts do not seem to be as frequent and the editors of Singapore Daily do not update on weekends. 
  6. Do you think that all mainstream media is crap?
  7. Do you feel depressed on a day when no government official makes a goof, silly quote or there is no government policy worth criticizing about?
  8. Do you know the blogger whose abbreviated nickname is KTM?
  9. Do you put all your favourite blogs on an RSS feed or Google Reader and refresh at least once every hour to catch the latest postings?
  10. Do you know who are the Chua sisters?
  11. Can you name another 15 socio-political bloggers other than the ones in this quiz?
  12. You do not know who East Coast Life is 2 weeks ago but you do now?
  13. Do you rather get an autograph from Mr. Wang and molly than from Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?
  14. Do you spend time pondering how these bloggers look like IRL? (in real life)

End of quiz. Too tired to think of anymore and its starting to get not so fun anyway. If you can answer the questions in section I and reply yes to those in section II, I suggest you get a life, you have the signs of over-addiction to socio-political blogs. I am not a doctor, only a chickenwing man so I cant help much. My advice: Try not visiting any socio-political sites for 3 days, go watch a movie or something. The curious case of Benjamin Button is worth a watch.


  1. LOL. Let people be addicted to socio-political blogs. I want to sell my autograph to make a bit of money!

  2. i said yes to every question in section 2. i need help. i need a life.

  3. I am probably the one who needs a life for setting such a boliao quiz

  4. Molly for President! Mr Wang for PM!

  5. Hi Anon,

    this is dangerous. You are trying to create a Meow Meow republic. Are you trying to overthrow the mice parliament?

    In case anyone is clueless, reading this might help. http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/02/mouse-who-barked/

  6. Cat or mice also neh mind. As long as we bark like we are told to.
